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Remote Viewing Secrets

’Remote Viewing,’ popularly known as Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is the ability of human being to perceive information and imagery of remote geographical targets. Advanced practitioners of the Indian Yoga system were well acquainted with ‘Divya Drishti.’

Remote Viewing Secrets

During the Cold War years, the USA and Soviet Union are known to have been spying on each other using the services of psychic ‘remote viewers’, with the specific objective of gathering intelligence information of military significance. In simple terms ‘remote viewing’ is ‘the ability of human participants to acquire information about spatially (and temporally) remote geographical targets otherwise inaccessible by any known sensory means’.

It is learnt that the US Government authorities started paying serious attention to investigating the possible applicability of ‘remote viewing’ techniques for military purposes only when a book titled Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, authored by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, was published in 1970 11. This book appears to have jolted the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into action, triggering what one journalist has dubbed as the ‘Race for Inner Space’! Hal Puthoff, the founder and first Director of the SRI Studies has given a graphic account of how it all began in his recollections of the programme.6

Unfortunately, to obtain statistically significant results the experiment had to be repeated thousands of times and this led to ‘decline effects’ due to boredom (or tiredness) on the part of the remote viewer. To overcome this problem, parapsychology researchers at SRI started using a set of pictures taken from the National Geographic magazine instead of the zener cards. A ‘rank order’ method of quantifying the success rate was developed for this.

The focus of research then shifted to assessing the success rate in ‘test bed’ or field trials where a remote viewer was asked to sense and describe a natural scene or a military site where an ‘agent’ or ‘beacon’ was located. Both the ‘transmitting agent’ at the site and the ‘viewer’ or ‘receiver’ sitting in the lab would be asked to fill out an identical 30 point questionnaire with a yes (’1’) or no (’0’) marking. This method of assessment was first developed by Princeton University researchers in their Engineering Anomalies Research Programme13 while investigating ‘Precognitive Remote Perception’. Using advanced mathematical methods developed in the field of artificial intelligence and pattern recognition, the degree of success of the remote viewer was quantified.

In the next stage of research simulating military spying missions, the presence of the transmitting ‘agent’ at the target site was dispensed with and the remote viewer was encouraged to view relevant military targets within the US, given only the latitude and longitude of the target site. A brief summary of the outcome of the research on ‘anomalous cognition’ sponsored by the US Government is available in Edwin May’s website . Dr. May was the Director of this research at SAIC when the programme was officially terminated in 1995.

In the course of their investigations the SRI researchers identified at least six ‘star performers’ with an extraordinary inborn remote viewing talent. While the names of some of them have been revealed, others are only identified by a code number. Those revealed are briefly mentioned below:

Results: “Fuzzy Set Analysis” of the various descriptions provided by the receiver showed that the overall accuracy of the remote viewing was 77 per cent and overall reliability 78 per cent. The reliability of the description of the windmill farm was 100 per cent (accuracy is defined as the ‘percentage of target elements described correctly by the viewer’ and reliability as ‘percentage of receivers response that is correct’.)

This viewing was carried out by Pat Price who was described by Russell Targ as one of their ‘psychic treasures’. The target was selected randomly from out of a ‘target pool’ of sites, unknown to Pat Price and Russell Targ who were stationed inside a ‘Faraday Cage’ in the Radio Physics Building of SRI International Labs. Hal Puthoff and an associate Bart drove off to the target site, which was five miles away. After the alloted time of 30 minutes, Pat Price was asked to view and describe the target site.

After completing the drawing and description, all of them drove to the site to assess the accuracy of Pat’s viewing. Everything was remarkably accurate except for the two water tanks and the water purification plant, which were absent.

Pat Price’s inclusion of the non-existent tanks remained a puzzle for 21 years. However, the mystery was unexpectedly solved in March 1995 when, as part of the ‘centennial celebrations’ of the city of Palo Alto, a commemorative volume was published. This brochure carried a picture of the Rinconada Park site taken in 1913 on the occasion of the inauguration of the city’s new water works showing two water tanks exactly at the location indicated by Pat Price in his 1974 viewing!

This amazing example brings out one of the remarkable features of remote viewing, namely the ability of consciousness to access the past. In RV literature it is referred to as ‘retro cognition’ while in ancient Indian texts it is described as accessing the ‘akashic records’!

Ingo Swann6 the famous psychic who was in fact responsible for getting Hal Puthoff and his colleagues at SRI Labs interested in ‘investigating the boundary between the animate and inanimate’ in 1972, suggested carrying out an experiment to remote-view the planet Jupiter before the upcoming NASA Pioneer-10 flyby. Much to the “chagrin of Ingo Swann and the SRI researchers, he found a ring around Jupiter and wondered if perhaps he had remote-viewed the planet Saturn by mistake”. But when the Pioneer-10 flyby did take place it confirmed the existence of rings around Jupiter.

This was CIA’s very first operational viewing assignment. The viewer was Pat Price. Pat was asked to describe what was located at a suspected underground nuclear testing site in the former Soviet Union known by the code name PNUTS. CIA indicated that it was of great interest to them. They had in their possession a spy satellite photograph of the site.

The viewer was given only the geographical coordinates of the site in degrees, minutes and seconds (This type of viewing has been referred to as ‘Coordinate Remote Viewing’). Pat was also told that the site was an R&D test facility. The government’s representative decided that if the viewer described either the known multi-story crane or odd structures resembling oil well derricks, then they would continue.

Pat’s description of this remote site in his own words was, “I am lying on my back on the roof of a two or three storeyed brick building. It’s a sunny day. The sun feels good. There’s this most amazing thing. There is a giagantic crane moving back and forth over my head . . . As I drift up in the air and look down, it seems to be riding on a track with one rail on each side of the building. I’ve never seen anything like that”. This viewing assignment continued for a couple weeks during which he drew pictures of the gigantic gantry crane and many other items at the site such as “a cluster of compressed gas cylinders” which were also visible in the satellite pictures. The gantry crane was moving on eight large wheels, two on each of the four legs. This unique feature was confirmed by the satellite photos. (The remarkable similarity of his drawing of the crane and the satellite photo can be seen in Ed May’s website ).

The intelligence community in the US clearly seems to value RV data whenever it is available, as a very useful additional input, complementing information gathered through various other means and methods. For example, in the present war against terrorism there is every reason to speculate that the agencies involved in tracking down Osama Bin Laden must have sought the help of some of their reputed ‘remote viewers’ for whatever value it may be.

McMoneagle learned remote viewing in the U.S. Army--he was Remote Viewer #001 in the Army's Stargate program--and was awarded the Legion of Merit for his contribution to various intelligence operations. He is the owner and director of Intuitive Applications, Inc. and lives in Faber, Virginia.

Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability to obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability so that ordinary people can learn to do what "psychics" do. This book teaches you how to teach yourself.

McMoneagle believes that anybody can be trained in remote viewing (no psychic gifts required). However, it requires a huge commitment and a highly disciplined mind. Using the analogy of martial arts, McMoneagle sees RV training in levels, starting with white belt where viewers can expect to see a gestalt (an overall impression) of a target. By the time readers reach the red-black belt great master, McMoneagle claims they will have gained "a near-perfect union of one's paranormal talent blended within extant reality. People who reach this level no longer have to think about it, they simply do." Although readers won't become great masters by reading this one book, McMoneagle does provide a comprehensive training program as well as important chapters on the ethics, protocol, and applications of remote viewing.

McMoneagle is the authority in this area. He learned remote viewing in the U.S. Army--he was Remote Viewer #001 in the Army's Stargate program--and was awarded the Legion of Merit for his contribution to various intelligence operations. 041b061a72


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